Accessing RepeaterID's storage
- Connect the system to your computer, via microUSB port
- The device's storage should appear just like a USB thumb drive would
Updating the audio ident file
With the storage mounted (see above), copy "ident.mp3" to your computer, to make a backup.
Prepare your new audio file to have a bitrate of 64kb, a sample rate of 24khz, and be named "ident.mp3".
Copy the new ident.mp3 to the storage of your RepeaterID.
We recommend any of the following resources to obtain/prepare an ident audio file:
Prepare your new audio file to have a bitrate of 64kb, a sample rate of 24khz, and be named "ident.mp3".
Copy the new ident.mp3 to the storage of your RepeaterID.
We recommend any of the following resources to obtain/prepare an ident audio file:
- Request a complimentary audio file for your new RepeaterID here!
- Our online converter (beta) at
Converts common formats to the required parameters.
Automatically names converted audio to the required “ident.mp3”.
Try this easy scenario: when inspiration strikes, record your ID message with iPhone or Android voice memos.
Upload your memo to /Converter. Download the new "ident.mp3" file to your device, and email to yourself.
Then, with any desktop computer, connect RepeaterID via microUSB and load your unique GMRS or HAM ID!
- Audacity software from
“Export Audio” option
Format: MP3 File
Channels: Mono
Bit Rate Mode: Average
Sample Rate: 24000H
Quality: 64kbps
Save as “ident.mp3”
- Use ffmpeg with “-ac 1 -ab 64000 -ar 24000” arguments.
The args specify one channel (mono), 64k bitrate, 24k sample rate.
Tweaking the code
- You can tweak/customize/modify the software with the following caveats
- Please make a backup of the software ( before starting as we can only provide limited support once you start making code changes
- Be cautious changing the behavior of GPIO pins as changing the type/direction of GPIO pins may have unexpected consequences for your RepeaterID or repeater
- If you reload the firmware or change it to micropython this will add a huge amount of complexity for us in trying to support your device and we may have to limit or refuse support based on what the issue is
The software between models varies slightly, generally with wait statements in various places to ensure the repeater is ready.
RepeaterID_RT97 and RepeaterID_KG1000 software
Default files that come preloaded on RepeaterID
Experimental files for roger beep after any repeater activity
RepeaterID_RA87 software
Default files that come preloaded on RepeaterID_RA87
Experimental files for roger beep after any repeater activity
RepeaterID_U (universal) software
Default files that come preloaded on RepeaterID_universal