- Connect RepeaterID to repeater
- RT97S - Connect the interface cable from the IDC box connector on RepeaterID to the DB9 port on the repeater
- RA97 - Connect RJ45 cable from RepeaterID to TX radio. Connect audio cable f rom RepeaterID to RX radio's rear speaker port (not data). Set RX radio volume to 50% or higher (speaker will be muted with RepeaterID connected)
- KG1000G - Connect both radios to RepeaterID using RJ45 cables (do not use existing flat RJ45 cable).
- Universal - Configure a handheld to work with the target repeater and ensure it can both transmit and receive audio over the repeater. Connect RepeaterID to handheld using 2x audio cables. Set handheld volume to 50%+.
- Obtain/Prepare an audio file and load it onto the device via microUSB, as you would a thumbdrive (Instructions here)
- Connect to repeater and apply power via a microUSB power source (power adapter accessories available)
- Key up repeater or press RepeaterID's "ident now" button to test.
Status lights explained
Switches explained
Adjustment screw “IDENT_VOL_ADJ”
Push-button “IDENT_NOW”
*Polite ident is attempted one minute before the selected time interval deadline. If the repeater is busy,
RepeaterID will wait up to one minute before forcing at the deadline.
- RUN (Green)
Single blink: RepeaterID is running, no activity since the last ident
Double blink: RepeaterID is running, activity since last ident
Rapid blink: RepeaterID is politely waiting to ident
Solid: Occurs briefly during power-up sequence - BUSY (Blue)
RepeaterID detects no COR signal (the repeater is in-use). Will also illuminate if repeater is powered off or not connected - ID (Red)
RepeaterID is transmitting the ident audio message
Switches explained
- DIP switch #1 “ID_WHEN_IDLE” is to turn on/off routine ident during periods of inactivity
ON: will ident on specified interval, even if repeater is inactive
OFF: will ident on specified interval, if repeater has been active - DIP switch #2 “ID_INTERVAL” is to set max interval timer, between 15mins (GMRS) or 10mins (HAM)
ON: Polite ident* at 14 minutes, force ident at 15 minutes
OFF: Polite ident* at 9 minutes, force ident at 10 minutes
Adjustment screw “IDENT_VOL_ADJ”
- Adjust in small increments to set ident volume.
Clockwise to increase, counter-clockwise to decrease
Push-button “IDENT_NOW”
- Forces an immediate ident for testing
*Polite ident is attempted one minute before the selected time interval deadline. If the repeater is busy,
RepeaterID will wait up to one minute before forcing at the deadline.
The device storage does not appear when connecting to a computer
Ensure that the USB cable being used is data-capable. Many USB-A to MicroUSB cables that ship with devices for charging (and most people have on-hand) are "charge only" cables which only have the two power wires and no data wires. Such cables will power up repeaterID but not allow the storage to be mounted.
RepeaterID does not attempt to transmit my call sign; The red "IDENT" light does not illuminate even on button press
The green light near the USB port (separate from the green RUN light) on the green PCB (Raspberry Pi Pico) blinking several times indicates a reboot. When this occurs on ident attempts it is because there is a problem with the audio file causing an exception in the code. Either "ident.mp3" cannot be found on the device storage, or it is in an incompatible format. Check that the file is present and has the correct name. On Windows computers, there is an option in the "Folder Options" control panel labeled "Hide extensions for known file types". Therefore the .mp3 extension can be suppressed and naming the file ident.mp3 actually names it ident.mp3.mp3 on the device storage. The best way to verify the file name is to launch command prompt and run "dir g:" (assuming "G:" is the device storage, change if needed). This will list all of the true filenames on the device. If the name is correct, the file may need to be converted to an appropriate format. See D.I.Y. page linked in the FAQ below.
RA87 Only - RepeaterID does not transmit call sign properly
The configuration of the RA87 is not incredibly straightforward. If an incorrect channel is set on the TX radio, the repeater function will still work. This is because when the RX radio instructs the TX radio to key up via the linking cable, it sends a serial burst instructing it on what channel to be on. This can be proven by setting the TX radio to a completely incorrect channel (such as 17 when the RX radio is set to RPT16) and the TX radio will change to 16 temporarily when the repeater is activated. HOWEVER keying up with RepeaterID or a handheld mic on the TX radio will cause it to transmit on the selected channel. The ideal configuration is as follows (where "#" is desired channel number):
RX radio: RP# with reverse function enabled
TX radio: # (no "RP" and reverse function disabled)
It is possible to set both radios to RP# and enable reverse function on both, but this option does not like to stay enabled on the TX radio for some reason. With the TX radio set to RP# and reverse function off, the TX radio upon key up by RepeaterID or mic will transmit to the offset isntead of the intended channel, activating the RX repeater, which then steps on the TX radio by commandeering it. Therefore we recommend the setting as described above.
Keep in mind that changing the TX radio's channel from RP# to # will require CTCSS/DCS tones and power level settings be set again.
KG1000 Only - RepeaterID audio is distorted and/or cuts out
The audio channel used by the linking cable on the KG1000G expects an audio signal coming from the RX radio with very specific parameters. The instructions for the KG1000 mention "normalizing loudness" to prevent distortion by overloading the TX radio. The audio file may need to be normalized using the "normalize loudness" option in our web converter, "-filter:a loudnorm" argument in ffmpeg, or "Effect->Volume and Compression->Loudness Normalization" (with default options) in the Audacity software. If distortion persists, reduce ident volume by very slowly rotating the volume screw on the board counter-clockwise.
Universal Only - PTT sticks after transmitting call sign through repeater
In very specific circumstances the PTT can stick on a handheld connected to a RepeaterID_U (Universal) unit. This is due to the RF energy from the handheld's antenna causing interference on the PCB. We've made some engineering revisions to help mitigate this behavior:
1. The Universal version's enclosure is printed in PETG-CF, containing carbon fiber to help attenuate RF noise within the enclosure
2. We've added a pull-down resistor on the PTT transistor, making it less sensitive to activation
We recommend the following to reduce the likelyhood of this occurring:
1. Position RepeaterID so that it is not directly adjacent to the handheld's antenna
2. If the repeater is nearby, use the low TX power setting on the handheld
3. Set a ToT (Time out Timer) on the handheld, which will force the radio to stop transmitting after a period of time just longer than the ident message and therefore should only ever activate in a stuck PTT situation
RT97S Only - Blue busy light is always illuminated
The RT97S will appear busy if the device's speaker is muted. Press the up arrow once to increase volume which should unmute the device.
Ensure that the USB cable being used is data-capable. Many USB-A to MicroUSB cables that ship with devices for charging (and most people have on-hand) are "charge only" cables which only have the two power wires and no data wires. Such cables will power up repeaterID but not allow the storage to be mounted.
RepeaterID does not attempt to transmit my call sign; The red "IDENT" light does not illuminate even on button press
The green light near the USB port (separate from the green RUN light) on the green PCB (Raspberry Pi Pico) blinking several times indicates a reboot. When this occurs on ident attempts it is because there is a problem with the audio file causing an exception in the code. Either "ident.mp3" cannot be found on the device storage, or it is in an incompatible format. Check that the file is present and has the correct name. On Windows computers, there is an option in the "Folder Options" control panel labeled "Hide extensions for known file types". Therefore the .mp3 extension can be suppressed and naming the file ident.mp3 actually names it ident.mp3.mp3 on the device storage. The best way to verify the file name is to launch command prompt and run "dir g:" (assuming "G:" is the device storage, change if needed). This will list all of the true filenames on the device. If the name is correct, the file may need to be converted to an appropriate format. See D.I.Y. page linked in the FAQ below.
RA87 Only - RepeaterID does not transmit call sign properly
The configuration of the RA87 is not incredibly straightforward. If an incorrect channel is set on the TX radio, the repeater function will still work. This is because when the RX radio instructs the TX radio to key up via the linking cable, it sends a serial burst instructing it on what channel to be on. This can be proven by setting the TX radio to a completely incorrect channel (such as 17 when the RX radio is set to RPT16) and the TX radio will change to 16 temporarily when the repeater is activated. HOWEVER keying up with RepeaterID or a handheld mic on the TX radio will cause it to transmit on the selected channel. The ideal configuration is as follows (where "#" is desired channel number):
RX radio: RP# with reverse function enabled
TX radio: # (no "RP" and reverse function disabled)
It is possible to set both radios to RP# and enable reverse function on both, but this option does not like to stay enabled on the TX radio for some reason. With the TX radio set to RP# and reverse function off, the TX radio upon key up by RepeaterID or mic will transmit to the offset isntead of the intended channel, activating the RX repeater, which then steps on the TX radio by commandeering it. Therefore we recommend the setting as described above.
Keep in mind that changing the TX radio's channel from RP# to # will require CTCSS/DCS tones and power level settings be set again.
KG1000 Only - RepeaterID audio is distorted and/or cuts out
The audio channel used by the linking cable on the KG1000G expects an audio signal coming from the RX radio with very specific parameters. The instructions for the KG1000 mention "normalizing loudness" to prevent distortion by overloading the TX radio. The audio file may need to be normalized using the "normalize loudness" option in our web converter, "-filter:a loudnorm" argument in ffmpeg, or "Effect->Volume and Compression->Loudness Normalization" (with default options) in the Audacity software. If distortion persists, reduce ident volume by very slowly rotating the volume screw on the board counter-clockwise.
Universal Only - PTT sticks after transmitting call sign through repeater
In very specific circumstances the PTT can stick on a handheld connected to a RepeaterID_U (Universal) unit. This is due to the RF energy from the handheld's antenna causing interference on the PCB. We've made some engineering revisions to help mitigate this behavior:
1. The Universal version's enclosure is printed in PETG-CF, containing carbon fiber to help attenuate RF noise within the enclosure
2. We've added a pull-down resistor on the PTT transistor, making it less sensitive to activation
We recommend the following to reduce the likelyhood of this occurring:
1. Position RepeaterID so that it is not directly adjacent to the handheld's antenna
2. If the repeater is nearby, use the low TX power setting on the handheld
3. Set a ToT (Time out Timer) on the handheld, which will force the radio to stop transmitting after a period of time just longer than the ident message and therefore should only ever activate in a stuck PTT situation
RT97S Only - Blue busy light is always illuminated
The RT97S will appear busy if the device's speaker is muted. Press the up arrow once to increase volume which should unmute the device.
Can I change the ident audio message after I receive the ID system?
Yes, instructions to do that are in our D.I.Y. page.
Why do your products use mp3 files instead of wav files? Aren't they compressed?
The Raspberry Pi Pico*, on which our software runs, has less than 1MB of usable storage. A .wav file will blow through that in 5-10 seconds whereas a .mp3 can be 1-2 minutes. We wanted ensure enough time was budgeted for users who may want announcements in their ident message. Additionally, it would be difficult to appreciate the higher quality of a .wav when the audio is being sent in mono, over RF, to a radio. The biggest improvement in audio quality has been from limiting noise introduced across the PCB and audio circuit.
What kind of support will I receive?
These products are made by hobbyists for hobbyists, for the purpose of promoting GMRS and HAM and not intended to be used in mission critical and/or commercial applications. We are happy to answer questions and to try to help you work through any issues you encounter during setup and use. We can only provide very limited support if you decide to use RepeaterID with equipment, firmware, or in a manner inconsistent with what it is designed for. If you find a bug, defect, or other unexpected issue, we will make reasonable attempts to resolve it.
Can I change the code?
Yes, with caveats. See the D.I.Y. page.
Can this unit say the time?
The current models based on the Raspberry Pi Pico* cannot. The Raspberry Pi Pico* has no real time clock nor does it have Wi-Fi for NTP time sync. We may revisit this if there is enough demand, but adding this functionality would require using a Raspberry Pi Pico W* which has Wi-Fi for NTP (internet time) or a real-time clock module with its own battery. These solutions would add cost and/or power consumption for little benefit.
Why is the blue "BUSY" light stuck on?
We developed this system with sets a +5v signal on the COR (carrier operator relay) pin, when free. This means the repeater has to be powered on, connected to the ID system, and not in use for the ID system to recognize the repeater as free. Verify that:
While RepeaterID attempts to "wait it's turn" to use the repeater, blending audio unfortunately does not seem possible due to the following behavior with the RT97S we were testing:
Yes, instructions to do that are in our D.I.Y. page.
Why do your products use mp3 files instead of wav files? Aren't they compressed?
The Raspberry Pi Pico*, on which our software runs, has less than 1MB of usable storage. A .wav file will blow through that in 5-10 seconds whereas a .mp3 can be 1-2 minutes. We wanted ensure enough time was budgeted for users who may want announcements in their ident message. Additionally, it would be difficult to appreciate the higher quality of a .wav when the audio is being sent in mono, over RF, to a radio. The biggest improvement in audio quality has been from limiting noise introduced across the PCB and audio circuit.
What kind of support will I receive?
These products are made by hobbyists for hobbyists, for the purpose of promoting GMRS and HAM and not intended to be used in mission critical and/or commercial applications. We are happy to answer questions and to try to help you work through any issues you encounter during setup and use. We can only provide very limited support if you decide to use RepeaterID with equipment, firmware, or in a manner inconsistent with what it is designed for. If you find a bug, defect, or other unexpected issue, we will make reasonable attempts to resolve it.
Can I change the code?
Yes, with caveats. See the D.I.Y. page.
Can this unit say the time?
The current models based on the Raspberry Pi Pico* cannot. The Raspberry Pi Pico* has no real time clock nor does it have Wi-Fi for NTP time sync. We may revisit this if there is enough demand, but adding this functionality would require using a Raspberry Pi Pico W* which has Wi-Fi for NTP (internet time) or a real-time clock module with its own battery. These solutions would add cost and/or power consumption for little benefit.
Why is the blue "BUSY" light stuck on?
We developed this system with sets a +5v signal on the COR (carrier operator relay) pin, when free. This means the repeater has to be powered on, connected to the ID system, and not in use for the ID system to recognize the repeater as free. Verify that:
- Your repeater is powered on and NOT transmitting
- The interface cable is firmly connected to the repeater
- The interface cable is firmly connected to the IDC box connector on the ID system
While RepeaterID attempts to "wait it's turn" to use the repeater, blending audio unfortunately does not seem possible due to the following behavior with the RT97S we were testing:
- The repeater does not appear to send anything out of the speaker output pins (4+ and 7-) while it is being instructed to key up with the PTT pin. We assume this is by design, for when the repeater is used as a base station with the DB9 handheld speaker/mic accessory to prevent audio coming out of the speaker while you are trying to speak into the microphone.
- If someone is using the repeater, the COR pin goes back to +5 to indicate "repeater free" as soon as the repeater itself is keying up. Therefore, as soon as the RepeaterID system keys-up, visibility into whether or not someone is attempting to use the repeater is lost, and the repeater keying-up will override regular repeater operation anyways.
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Our product contains a Raspberry Pi on which our software runs.